Channelled from the highlands of Kenya in Jan 2020.

I am up in the cold, green hills of Kiirua, in Meru county, Kenya. My abode is a cosy cottage owned by some friends that I met aboard the Madaraka Express train to the coast some months ago. This is a 2 week ‘working holiday’ (as is most of my life), away from the hustle and bustle of Nairobi city, to write and create.
Mountain Meditation
This morning, I decided to meditate outside. I set up my mat, blankets and thermos on a perch facing Mt Maitei, the spiritual mountain of this area. I was planning to focus on my Swadhistana chakra, the energy centre I am currently working through, plus it’s Day 2 of my period so sensations are intense. However, I was pulled to concentrate on my Muladhara chakra (root), while maintaining clarity in the Ajna chakra (third eye).
After clearing the running thoughts by consciously relaxing all parts inside my head, especially the brain muscle, I maintained Drishti (focused gaze) at the Ajna centre, and energetic concentration at the Mooladhara at the base of my spine. The dive into deep stillness and meditative journey was immediate. There were moving lights and electricity running through my nadis (energy channels). Then roots grew downwards from my base into the soft earthy soil, and upon reaching a significant depth spread outwards to entwine with other roots.
Invitation to the Earth’s Core
The longest central root dropped down, down into the abyss of Mother Earth, and I was invited to journey down. Of course, I agreed without hesitation. And so I monkeyed down the root like Tarzan, through the darkness to the centre of Mother Earth.
Here I was taught an important lesson about the Earth energy. What does it mean to connect with Earth energy? It’s more than a spacey idea of imagining a mythical goddess. Much more than that.
The Earth energy is the essence of love, nurture, nourishment, kindness, compassion, giving, selflessness, caring, service, tenderness, smiles, holding, trust, freedom, wild expression, divine feminine, harmony with all existence.
And these are the core values that are the foundation of a good and conscious human. In order for a human to ascend to higher states of consciousness and enlightenment, they must be grounded, rooted, in these gentle values.
Perhaps when you have connected with the Earth energy, you have felt held, loved, supported? The Earth energy indeed is that essence of a warm, whole-hearted, loving embrace. That is why it is called ‘Mother’ Earth:
It is pure, divine, untainted, ‘Mother’ essence.
Once you connect and embrace the energy entirely, not only are you held, supported, loved, nourished, nurtured; but you too become a source of that unconditional, ever-flowing love, care, holding, nourishment, nurturing and compassion. Both held by the Mother, and embodying the Mother.
This is the essence of the Earth energy, and we must first ground ourselves in embodiment of that essence, in order to progress any further with ascension of consciousness. Sometimes, we go through periods when we get disconnected from this heartbeat – and that’s OK, such is the human journey. But the moment we realise it, it is up to us to decide whether to put in the work to return to our essence.
Roots Entwined
As for the entwining of roots with other roots, and the journey of the roots down deep, this is significant too. Harmony, interdependence, integration, cause-and-effect, conscious harmonious vibration. We are all integrally connected to each other – the humans, animals, plants, features of the earth, natural phenomena, etc. To have a harmonious whole, each part must vibrate consciously and in the harmonious rhythm – of love. Thus the entwined roots energetically symbolise our entanglement with other beings, and the deep roots symbolise our interaction with (affecting, and affected by) the natural elements.
Our Mission
Each individual is only fully in control of their own vibrational contribution, thus this is a call to increase our own consciousness, to vibrate out stronger that love – which will affect those connected to us and so the waves ripple on. We can choose to send out beneficial or harmful ripples, and they will spread. Thus it is a clarion call to nurturing that inner source of peace and love, and manifesting it in conscious words, conscious actions, etc.
This is what Mother Earth is. So let’s take our bare feet to step tenderly on the earth. Breathe, feel and connect. Ground deep down to our essence, to our authentic selves. Listen to our own heart’s messages, from our core. We know what we must do. No need to get the message from elsewhere. Quietly sit alone, connect to your authentic self, and listen. Then, take action – it is our individual responsibility to think, speak and act consciously, to uplift ourselves and others, to create our strong foundation of love so that we can ascend, together.
May the Earth energy and the essence of the Mother flow through me, through you, and all of us.
With love,
Child of the Earth