The nomad girl comes from a lineage of camel herders in the desert. Her ancient instinct and ancestral guides lead her trusting feet to hidden corners of the earth where she is destined to walk. On full moons, a wild human howl will echo from the mountaintop as she pays her respects to the moon. At sunrise, she and one of her pack of love dogs that roam every inch of the earth will be found deep in meditation, or deep in embrace of pure unconditional love.
Nomad Girl is bold. Nomad Girl is daring. Yet Nomad Girl is gentle, loving, trusting. Nomad Girl has broken free of the system. She wanders the world of dreams. She glides on magical currents where fantasy becomes reality. A life of uncertainty is her chosen path.
She stands by the side of a road that stretches into the mysterious unknown. A rusty bus with colourful graffiti pulls over and she climbs on, exchanging smiles and greetings with the friendly passengers. She sits by a window and her eyes are soon soothes by the green hills that roll by. With not a clue where she will sleep that night, what lies ahead, she gives a satisfied sigh. Nomad girl is home.